Making a Repeat Prescription Request?
Please Only Order What You Need!
Did you know that approximately 1.6 million medicine items are wasted unnecessarily in Dorset every year? We are asking our patients for help to reduce this.
We want people to have the right medicine and care while reducing the amount of medicine waste. If you have enough medicine at home, there’s no need to order more every time. You will still be able to request your medicine again in the future.
The good news is that you can help make a tremendous difference by only ordering what you need.
Thank you to the many people who are already doing this.
For more information, visit the NHS Dorset website here>> –

How to Order a Repeat Prescription
Repeat Prescriptions
Patients on regular medication do not need to see a doctor for a repeat prescription of their medication.
Some patients need medicines over a prolonged period, which can be authorised for a repeat prescription by the doctor. If so, a record is kept on the computer so that you may request further supplies.
Please allow 3 working days for your prescription to be processed.
How to Order a Repeat Prescription
The fastest and most efficient way to order your repeat medication is by requesting this online. You can order your repeat prescriptions online through SystmOnline, or using the NHS app or Airmid App. Scroll down to click on the image below or follow this link to access your SystmOnline account here>>
Other Ways You May Re-Order Your Medication
If you cannot order your repeat prescriptions online, your prescription request can be made by sending your prescription sheet to the Surgery and indicating which items are required. Alternatively, you may leave your request sheet at the pharmacy of your choice.
Please note that we do not take prescription requests over the phone. This is to ensure patient safety and to avoid mistakes. It will also prevent blocking the phone lines and increase telephone access when patients are trying to make appointments, request advice or emergency help.
You may also wish to consider requesting repeat prescriptions using the NHS App.
Click on the image below or follow this link to find out more>>
Medication Reviews
Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip.
Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.
Learn more about how to request a medication review using our eConsult service>>
Disposal of Unwanted or Out of Date Medicines
Unwanted medication can be returned to your usual pharmacy for safe destruction.
If you have your own sharps boxes at home then they need to be dated & signed when opened and then when closed, before being returned to the Surgery.
Electronic Prescribing Service
This practice is set up for the electronic prescription service.
This means that for most patients we can send your prescription to your chosen chemist directly saving you having to come down to the surgery.
To get your prescription sent to your chosen pharmacy you will have to ask reception to sign up.
Learn more about electronic prescribing services on the NHS website here>>