
Welcome to West Moors Village Surgery Online

Welcome to:

Supporting the Community of West Moors and Three Legged Cross

We are a friendly practice situated in the village of West Moors, in the beautiful area of East Dorset, known for its heathland and woodlands. Serving over 5,600 patients, we offer NHS Medical services from two sites in the village, Heathlands House and Vernon House, aiming to provide traditional patient centred care for people of all ages.  

How to contact us

By telephone : 01202 865800

At times our lines can get busy - thank you for your understanding

Out of hours non emergency call 111 or visit NHS111 online>>


For more options on how to get in touch with us, visit our Contact Us page here>>

During surgery hours, if you have an urgent medical need please contact us by phone. 

But for non urgent health requirements please click on the image below or follow this link to use our eConsult service>>

How may we assist you today?

If it is urgent!

If you require urgent medical attention or advice outside of normal surgery hours please dial 111 or follow this link to visit 111 online>>   Please note that the 111 call back service may be busy, and you might have to wait longer to get a call. 

For injuries that are not life threatening or serious, minor injuries units and urgent care centres can help. To find your local Minor Injuries Unit visit www.dorsethealthcare.nhs.uk/miu.

Please only use A&E or 999 only in an emergency for serious or life-threatening situations.

In a genuine emergency you should call 999.  Chest pains and/or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.

Ambulance attending an incident
Commujnity SWITCH and Crane Valley PCN logos

Community SWITCH - a Path to Improved Health and Well-being

At West Moors Village Surgery, we want to do all we can to help you with your well-being needs. 

What if together, we could do more for you?

Working with our colleagues in the Crane Valley Primary Care Network we offer a groundbreaking initiative designed to enhance local people's overall health and quality of life – Community SWITCH.

We understand that a patients health and well-being extends beyond traditional medical care. Community SWITCH goes beyond the ordinary and empowering you with additional tools and opportunities to manage your health effectively.

Follow this link to discover more>>


School children

New parent’s guide to keeping children and young people healthy this school year

As the new school year begins, children, teenagers and their parents prepare for new schedules, homework, friends, and activities. But the autumn also brings common illnesses that can keep children and teenagers away from their classmates and studies.

Read more in this parent’s guide to keeping children and young people healthy this school year>>



Should we be worried about the new COVID-19 variant?

There have been a lot of questions about the BA.2.86 COVID variant, as people would like to know how it compares to other variants and what the implications might be for public health.

In this blog post the UK Health Security Agency outlines what they know so far and what action they are taking>>

a person sneezing

Help Us Help You through Winter Pressures

Like GP Practices across the country, we continue to experience high demand for primary care services.  If you have an urgent medical need please continue to contact us via reception, but for non urgent requirements please use our eConsult service.

Find out more about our eConsult service here>>

a laptop on a desk with a pot plant



Our website

In the Spring of 2023, we redesigned with the input of patient and frontline staff feedback.  We provide a full range of NHS care services many of which can be accessed from this website. We are confident that our website will provide clear and concise help and give our patients the information they require in an easy and convenient format. It has been designed with the patient’s needs at the forefront of everything, from checking surgery times to letting us know what you think of us.

We are continuing our work to ensure that the website content and layout provides the information, advice, and access to the relevant services that our patients need.  

Please let us know what you think using our online Patient Communications Feedback survey form by following this link>>

We welcome your feedback

Please tell us what you think about the care or treatment you have received from us using our Friends and Family Test Feedback Form>>  

Or if you prefer you can download, print and complete a paper version and return it to Reception on your next visit.  

Note this is for feedback only and not enquiries.

This form has been developed based on NHS national guidance to help GP Practices improve patient experience. Referred to as the Friends and Family Test (FFT), it is an important feedback tool that supports the fundamental principle that people who use NHS services should have the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience. Listening to the views of patients and staff helps identify what is working well, what can be improved and how. FFT feedback is regularly reviewed by the Practice team and published on our Feedback web page here>>

West Moors Village Surgery is part of the Crane Valley Primary Care Network (PCN)

The Crane Valley PCN represents four practices in East Dorset:

  • West Moors Village Surgery
  • Barcellos Family Practice
  • The Cranborne Practice
  • Verwood Surgery

Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are a key part of the NHS Long Term Plan, with general practices being a part of a network. 

Primary care networks are the way local health services can work together to best meet the needs of the patients they serve. 

For more information about the Crane Valley PCN and the services offered across the locality, visit www.cranevalleypcn.org