Taking your BP readings at home

When taking your blood pressure readings, it is important to be relaxed, so avoid taking your blood pressure when stressed, in pain or in a hurry. 

Avoid eating, exercising or taking medication before taking your reading.  Don’t drink caffeine or smoke for 30 minutes before your reading, as these can temporarily raise blood pressure.  Empty your bladder first. 

It’s important that you only use validated machines.  If a machine is clinically validated, it has been tested to ensure it gives accurate and reliable results so you and your doctor can trust them.  The British and Irish Hypertension Society have a list of clinically validated home blood pressure monitors on their website here>>

Remove outer clothes and put your bare upper arm into the cuff. Remember to use a cuff that fits the top half of your arm correctly.  Sit in a relaxed position and place the cuff on bare skin or over thin fabric.  The cuff should be at heart level. 

Sit quietly in the place where you are taking your reading for a few minutes, slowing your breathing.  Do not cross your legs; sit with both feet flat on the ground and your back and arm supported. 

Do not hold a conversation before and during the BP measurement, and avoid movement.   Be still and silent whilst the reading is taken – talking and moving affect accuracy. 

National guidelines in England recommend measuring your blood pressure at home during the morning and evening for one week to get an accurate picture of your blood pressure.

Measure your blood pressure at a time every day when it is convenient for you.  Each time you measure your blood pressure, take three measurements, 1-2 minutes apart.  Ignore the first reading

In between readings, allow yourself to relax and breathe slowly and deeply.  Close your eyes, and imagine yourself in a warm, calm, pleasant place, if this helps.  Do not hold a conversation and avoid movement.

If you are using the Viso app to record blood pressure readings, Viso will alert you to measure your blood pressure in the morning and the evening every day during your Blood Pressure Check-in week.  You will be prompted to record your readings in the app, which will automatically average your reading before sending it securely to your GP surgery. 

For patients not using Viso, work out the average reading and make a written note of the final reading.  For example:

130   140   135
--- and --- gives a final reading of ---
60   80   70


Let your GP know your reading along with with your name and date of birth. 


Download and view a patient information leaflet on taking BP readings at home by following this link>>

Or scroll down to view a YouTube video on how to measure your blood pressure at home . . .